While the techniques used during FUT and FUE procedures are different, the patient’s experience in preparing for, sitting through, and healing from the procedures are extremely similar.

On the day of the surgery, patients will be asked to sign a form of consent. This form outlines the basics of the procedure and ensures that the patient understands the risks and benefits of the hair transplant surgery.

Patients receiving FUT procedures will have the hair shaved around the donor area. Patients receiving FUE procedures may have their hair trimmed for easier access to the follicles at donor sites.

Patients will be placed under a general anaesthetic. Generally, this means the patients are able to sit up during the procedure and read or watch TV. The anaesthetic should prevent patients from feeling pain or discomfort. The hair transplant procedure is not a stressful or painful experience.

Patients will have the opportunity to stand up and walk around several times throughout the length of the procedure. The patient will also be able to eat throughout the day.

Generally, these procedures take between 4 and 10 hours. The length of time depends on the extent of the procedure as well as the skill of the hair transplant surgeon. Patients are allowed to bring a companion with them on the day of the surgery for moral support or to help pass the time.

Patients will not be allowed to drive home following the procedure. The anaesthetic can cause grogginess and nausea, which could make driving dangerous. It is important that patients make ride arrangements before arriving for surgery.

After the procedure, the hair transplant surgeon will provide aftercare instructions. Recovery from hair transplant procedures is relatively pain free, but a number of medications may be provided by the surgeon. Patients should follow all aftercare instructions provided even if no symptoms are present.

Guide to Hair Transplant Surgery