It is extremely important to follow the aftercare procedures of the hair transplant surgery. During the first night following the surgery, the grafts are still sensitive and could fall out of the incisions if touched or manipulated. Avoid pulling shirts over the head. Do not brush, comb, rub, or even touch the transplanted hair for at least 24 hours after the surgery.

Patients should sleep in a mostly upright position the first three nights following the procedure. This will avoid accidentally rubbing or shifting the grafts.

The surgical team will provide each patient with a bottle of lotion. This lotion should be sprayed on the transplanted hair every 30 minutes for the first night following surgery.

It is important that patients wait at least a week before taking a shower. The force of the water could cause the grafts to shift or fall out. Patients must also wait 48 hours before shampooing their hair. A mixture of water and ph-based shampoo should be gently worked into the hair and scalp. Water can be gently poured from a receptacle over the patient’s head, but faucets and showers should be strictly avoided.

If a portion of the scalp was removed during the hair transplant procedure, it is important to vigourously clean the incision every day. This can be achieved by firmly rubbing the scar or by using a small cleaning brush. Washing the incision helps prevent crusting, which can result in a longer recovery time and increased scaring. Additionally, antibiotic cream should be applied to the scar twice a day for the first week following the procedure. This cream will help prevent scaring and infections.

Physical activity should be avoided as much as possible in the first week following surgery. This includes refraining from sexual activity and rapid movements of the head. Patients should not bend forward, shake their head, or blow their nose too strongly. These activities could result in the loosening of the grafts.

Patients should not submerge the hair in water for at least two weeks following the surgical procedure. This includes swimming. Patients must also abstain from alcohol for at least 48 hours following the surgery and avoid sun exposure for as long as the insertion sites remain red and raw.

It is important that patients take the full dose of the medications prescribed by the surgical team. Even if patients are not experiencing pain or swelling, they must take the full dosage of medication.

Patients may begin or continue taking minoxidil about five days following the surgery. Propecia can usually be taken before, after, and during the surgical procedure.

There are a few issues that may arise in the days or weeks following the hair transplant procedure. Swelling commonly occurs in the first few days after surgery. Ice can be applied to the forehead, but should not touch the grafted area. Icing the grafted area could result in the death of the grafted hairs. Ice can be applied to the donor area at the back of the head if necessary.

Bleeding can occur as a result of the surgical procedure. Patients are advised to apply pressure to bleeding areas with a compress or clean linen.

Decreased sensitivity is another possible side effect within the first few months after surgery. Most patients regain full sensation in the scalp within one year of the surgery.

Patients may also experience crusting around the grafted follicles. This is completely normal and the crusts will fall off on their own around a week after surgery. It is important that patients refrain from picking at the crusted area. Picking could result in the removal of grafts.

Patients will need to return to the surgical site to have their stitches removed about two weeks after the surgery. The surgical team will check the healing progress to ensure a healthy recovery.

Hair transplant FAQs